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Product Groups

According to use, products fall into three major categories.
Agricultural sulfurs are formulated for use as pesticides, plant nutrients, and soil amendments. 
Industrial sulfur is used primarily in non-rubber applications.
Rubbermaker's sulfur is primarily used in the production of rubber related products.

sulfur use Practical Applications

Sulfur is an element used for everything from adhesives to matches.  Its most common use is as a vulcanizing agent in the manufacture of rubber products, such as tires. The table below illustrates the types of sulfur bought most often for each use or application. 

Example: Explosives are most often manufactured using commercial sulfurs.

Sulfur Products - Group, Type, and Specific Brand Names are listed across top.

  Rubbermaker's Industrial Agricultural
Rms Triangle®  Arrow Roll® Emulsified Formed Wettable Dusting Flowable Degradable
Practical Uses and Applications, down left-hand side, are indicated with a  sulfur use for each product.
Animal Feed   sulfur use                    
Explosives   sulfur use                
Fertilizer       sulfur use         sulfur use
Inorganic Chemicals sulfur use sulfur use              sulfur use                 
Matches    sulfur use                  
Organic Chemicals   sulfur use     sulfur use           
Pesticides           sulfur use sulfur use sulfur use sulfur use
Petroleum Refining   sulfur use sulfur use     sulfur use         
Poultry               sulfur use    sulfur use    
Rubber sulfur use                  
Salt Blocks, Animal Feed   sulfur use                  
Soil Amendments       sulfur use   sulfur use   sulfur use sulfur use
Steel     sulfur use    sulfur use         
Sugar Refining        sulfur use      sulfur use               


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